Being Inclusive should not Include being Stupid, Why don’t Liberals get that?

Being Inclusive should not include being Stupid. That’s the key ingredient Liberals have missed in their quest for diversity, inclusion and fairness. You would think they would exercise their “Science” based mentality with a tad more Academic wisdom. It just doesn’t fit their political agenda so they conveniently ignore Evolutionary Science.

Let me explain it clearly. First let’s replace God in this discussion with nature just so they will not dismiss this and say God is nonexistent and therefore nothing else said matters.

Keep in mind when reading this, Obama is importing 10’s of thousands of undocumented unproven military aged males from Syria.  They are Muslims not Christians.  They refused to fight against Isis in their own country.  They are cowards or worse yet Isis invaders in refugee clothing.  He has been warned by all intelligence agencies, by all military advisers and even by the Saudis and every other Islamic nation who refuse to take a single refugee. 

In Nature (oh and God did create nature) humans have evolved to the top of the food chain and advanced civilization to the point of you being able to enjoy your precious iPhones only because the most successful have evolved a sophisticated Dumb-ass or Threat Exclusion Filter in their DNA. That Exclusion Filter has enabled us to recognize and be cautious of beings and things that are different from us.

A successful species sees a Tiger and says “Holy crap, that’s different I’m not going to pet it!” That person lives and reproduces. The unsuccessful species says “Oooooooh pretty, me want!” and tries to pet it. You can imagine the results.

Now diversity is important and Tigers play an important part in nature’s diversity. They tend to kill the weak and the slow because it’s easy and takes the least amount of energy. The herd of Gazelles stays strong and does not starve because the Tigers took the weak and slow. Man, who evolved as a more sophisticated hunter, is able to kill the Gazelles eat and grow strong. So somehow man evolved in a way that he was not driven to kill all the Tigers, he allowed diversity, but successful man wisely chose not to live in the middle of the Tigers. He also chose to kill any Tiger that got close enough to camp and threatened the lives of the family or tribe. He knew through his DNA and experience that Tigers will eat you. That’s what Tigers do. You can tolerate them but you should not welcome them into your family or camp or tribe. You should not let them grow strong multiply and surround you. That never turns out well. They will eat all of you. That’s what Tigers do.

Through the ages mankind formed different tribes and grew to the diverse society we see today, not because they accepted everyone into the tribe, we were successful because we are selective as to whom we should accept into the tribe. Each geographic area on earth was different. If you had something to offer in that environment that would benefit the tribe and you were not a threat to the tribe then you would be accepted into the tribe but only after you proved yourself as beneficial and not a threat. You were not given a chance to kill and eat any tribe member, well at least not more than one.

The successful tribes knew there were other tribes out there that would kill them. They knew there were other tribes out there that evolved with a culture of taking slaves. They knew there were tribes out there that cut people’s heads off. They knew there were tribes that took prisoners of those who were not like them and tortured them. This was not rocket science. They did not have rockets. They had rocks and spears. Today we still have that same selective association DNA and it still can protect us.

To accept any other tribe member just because they look pretty to a Liberal, and a Liberal wants them as a pet, is stupid.

Tigers will kill and eat you so will Islamist’s. Islamist’s will kill you, cut off your heads, enslave you, torture you, burn you alive, drop an A-bomb on you of they get one, destroy your churches and civilization and build Mosques on the rubble. They will rape the women and children. They do not like evolved Western civilization and they have evolved in an intolerant manner such that they survive and grow strong only through exclusion of anything different, not cautious inclusion. They are a threat. They tell you exactly what they intend to do. They are doing it now. We see it every day. They tell you they will not now, nor will they ever, tolerate Western society. They cull their ranks of anyone who is tolerant or different using the most brutal means they can imagine. They grow stronger by the minute and they are coming after you.

So tell me why is it that Liberals have evolved so stupid that they believe you can turn off your “Nature” given exclusionary filter? What don’t they get that makes them believe you should accept anyone into the tribe before you know the person you propose to accept will not harm you and will contribute positively to the well being of the tribe. It’s stupid.  

Oh one more thing, a successful man knows instinctively that you can’t talk to Tigers.  They kill you every time.  Even when you think you have them trained they will kill you.

Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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  1. Awesome article….read in it’s entirety! What a beautiful mind, and you just happen to be my husband 💗💗💘

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