History of KKK hanging 1,300 White Republicans for supporting Black Freedom against the Democrats!

Did you ever wonder why the Democrats and Progressives hate Republicans and Conservatives so much?  Do you wonder why the Democrats and Progressives are attempting to spread fear of Conservatives today?  Do you know what they did in the past to those who opposed their power grabs?  Did you know the Klan lynched 1,300 White Republicans along with 3,500 Blacks?

Black Americans, Conservatives and Republicans were Hung together in the harshest times in our history.  It’s time we once again stood together for freedom…

Why have you never heard that before?  I’ll tell you why.  It’s because these 1,300 Republicans gave their lives to empower African Americans to determine their own destiny.  Today the Progressives, Liberals and Democrats think they can do a better job of CONTROLLING African Americans.  The difference is Empower vs. Control. Conservatives believe People should hold power over the Government.  Progressives and Democrats believe Government should hold power over the people.

Let’s make this clear this is not a race issue it’s a power issue.  It’s power and control over your freedom.  In the past Black Americans were an easy target to demonize by the Democrats and Progressives in order to gain and retain power.  Today it’s the Conservatives and Republicans they demonize.  They have the Black vote now and could care less.  That is demonstrated by how poorly African Americans have done under Obama.  Let’s not forget that famous Democrat LBJ Quote:

Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963… “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness.  Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.  The Great Society followed.

How far will the Democrats, Liberals and Progressives go?  This is how far they went in the past.  History does repeat itself…



Black Americans, Conservatives and Republicans were Hung together in the harshest times in our history.  It’s time we once again stood together for freedom…

Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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  1. Micheal Schwerner, Andrew Goodman,and James Chaney were part of the Freedom Riders, a group of Republicans that went into Alabama and Mississippi to register blacks to vote. They were killed in 1964 by the KKK. A deputy sheriff, who was a KKK member and a Democrat, pulled them over and held them for a KKK mob who subsequently murdered all three. Micheal and Andrew were both northern whites and James was a local black man. The amount of gaslighting that the Democrats have done has led to a plethora of videos out there that shows a great number of Americans of African descent who believe Abraham Lincoln was a democrat. (He wasn’t) Shocking to some, but it’s only shocking because Democrats run our Education system, and have for a hundred years, otherwise this would be taught in schools. Here’s another shocker, the Underground Railroad, that helped escaped slaves reach freedom in the north and Canada, was NOT run by democrats ( guess who it really was)In fact, it was northern democrats and Confederate sympathizers that were turning in escaped slaves to be returned to their plantations.
    The only way to get us to a better place is to get the truth out to people and get rid of the Democrats who still believe in government over people at any cost. They are the “toxic” in the relationship we all have with one another. We need to get a Protection From Abuse order against the Democratic Party.

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  2. The slave owning klan creating white Supremacy making baby killing to fund campaigns democrats today are the same ones that surrendered in the Civil War Same ones that assassinated President Lincoln

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  3. The new Republicans are the old Democrats,

    The old Democrats are the new Progressives,

    The new Progressives are the old Communists

    bg, that’s me..

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  4. Amen, and thank you for the
    insightful and informative comments..

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  5. Back when Republicans were the liberal party.

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    • The Republican party today in conservative wing is very close to classic liberal think. Freedom for all, Equal Justice for all. Freedom of speech for all. Freedom of religion for all. Government should not even try to tell you what to eat or what to say or how to live. You should not tell your neighbors what to eat how to live or what to say or believe in. Don’t mess with them and they should not mess with you. It’s almost as simple as that. The Democrats are the most intolerant party today. The Republican party just doesn’t care. Join them and you will see. They will neither kiss your ass nor turn you away for anything. Wear a dress but don’t expect them to tell you how pretty you look. Don’t expect them to either kiss your ass or kick your ass if you are black or Asian or whatever. They don’t care. That’s they way it should be. The Democrat party on the other hand demand that you accept THEM and every one of their policies. The Democrat party will destroy you and your family if you speak the truth, if you oppose them, if you have a religious belief that does not align with their policies, if you dare to believe in actual science that says there are only 2 sexes male and female. They will destroy you if you want to leave history as it was as a lesson to be learned from. That history includes the misdeeds of the Democrat party.

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      • Your poor choice of words and ignorant premise, “The Republican party today in conservative wing is very close to classic liberal” proves your inability to comprehend and retain information in a factual manner. Pre and post-confederate Democrats ALWAYS deprived ‘black’ Americans and ALL women of #EqualRights. #DemocratRaceLie, published 2009.

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        • I’m not sure what you are saying. You seem quite mixed up. I am in 100% agreement with the link you sent about the Democrat Race Lie. When I say classic liberal, I’m being quite clear. You failed to read my whole statement. You then attack me personally. That’s the tactic of the left.

          Then you go on to say “Pre and post-confederate Democrats ALWAYS deprived ‘black’ Americans and ALL women of #EqualRights. #DemocratRaceLie, published 2009.” I would agree with that also. Why don’t to clarify what you are saying and what side you are on.

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      • Thank you Kathy spread the word.

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  6. Democrats: “Quick look over there – there’s nothing happenin’ here”.

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    • I knew the KKK was DemocratsI abhor them.

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  7. Thanks I’ll repost this on Facebook however watch them find a reason to remove it.

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  8. This is horrific….I don’t remember this being taught from history books in the 70’s….when I was in high school.

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  9. And just like thst; they voted Democrat for 200 years

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    • Actually the shift to the Democratic Party was in the Depression era- for economic reasons.

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