In the absence of God, evil becomes just another lifestyle

[cp_quote style=”quote_normal_dark”]We instinctively recognize pure evil but in the absence of God pure evil becomes just another lifestyle[/cp_quote]

I have mentioned before, I’m not a very religious person but have great respect for religion, religious people and a deep hope in the existence of God.  After pondering my wishy-washy commitment to religion as juxtaposed against current efforts of many in government (Progressives, Liberals and the Left) to eradicate God and the Judeo-Christian philosophy from our country, I wondered how we should feel about pure evil in the absence of God?

If there was no God, a being our founders believed in, how should we look at other countries, groups and even tribes around the globe?  In the absence of God this planet just becomes a bump in time, a blip as natures inevitable course progresses (Progressives) through time, from the beginning (the Big Bang) to the end (the inevitable burn out of the sun).  Along this time line, life forms come and go like shooting stars, dinosaurs and cave men.  Life forms best suited at the time continue to evolve and survive.  I guess that must be natures way.




Along our time line human groups form.  Different styles of leadership enable groups to better compete for resources necessary for life.  What’s the difference between a group that kills and suppresses freedom in order to grow and dominate (dictators and radical Muslims), and one that encourages free thought, self fulfillment, personal responsibility and responsibility for our neighbors (the American way)?   When you no longer consider the existence of pure evil… leaders, groups and beliefs become mere variations in natures grand experiment, or as we say “survival of the fittest.”  No group is right or wrong (there is no right or wrong).  One will survive and spawn the next generation. The others will be gobbled up and disappear.

We instinctively recognize pure evil but in the absence of God pure evil becomes just another lifestyle.  Another lifestyle is something a Politically Correct Progressive Culture says we must tolerate.  It is what we must peacefully coexist with.  It is something far to many government leaders say we should try to understand and negotiate with.

It may be hard to define pure evil, but we know it when we see it.  It’s not homosexuals.  It’s not a belief that God has a different name.  It’s not a belief in a parliament vs. a congress.  It’s not male or female.  It’s not rich or poor.  It’s not black or white.  It’s not a different language.  It’s not big oil.  It’s not Unions.  It’s not money.  It’s not TV, (that’s either transvestites or Television, whatever floats your boat).  It’s not people that eat meat.  It’s not private property.  It’s not capitalism.  We know it when we see it.   It tells us to our faces “I want to kill you and dominate you!”  It suppresses freedom of thought.  It suppresses freedom of religion.  It controls you and makes you a ward of the leadership.  It commands you obey or you will be eliminated.

Pure evil always threatens our existence as long as we tolerate it.  Pure evil will win and we will lose in the fight for survival as long as we believe that we can peacefully coexist with pure evil.  In the absence of God pure evil just becomes another lifestyle.  As we allow the government, the progressives, the left and the liberals to eradicate all mention and recognition of God as our founding fathers believed, we lose our ability to recognize pure evil.  We will be eaten up by it.   We will become extinct in this experiment of nature (Gods experiment).

evil lifestyle photoWhat many in government (progressives, socialists and the left) have done is not pure evil, but they continue to march us down that path.  The further we go we find it harder to recognize pure evil.  When we are confronted by and chose to ignore pure evil we will cease to exist as free men.  Free to think, survive and pursue happiness.  We will eventually become part pure evil as it consumes us.

[cp_quote style=”quote_normal_dark”]WAR IS PEACE   FREEDOM IS SLAVERY  IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH…  Winston Smith has been eliminated.[/cp_quote]

Nuff said…

Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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