What could possibly go wrong as San Francisco Democrats move to buy killer robots for their police?

What could possibly go wrong as San Francisco Democrats move to buy killer robots for their police?

This is the Dumb Ass Move of the Week! Now what could possibly go wrong with this in the hands of the Democrats that allow people to shit in the streets, shoplift at will, let anyone free without bail, want illegal aliens to vote, set up “arrest free” drug shooting safe centers where they give them access to needles and entertainment and a few more brilliant ideas like setting up guaranteed income for transexuals. Nope...

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Will labeling the Tea Party Movement “Racist” hinder or embolden the movement?

Will labeling the Tea Party Movement “Racist” hinder or embolden the movement?

It was a predictable left wing liberal strategy and true to form, main stream media, Democratic operatives and left wing radical elements, have not let us down. The term racist is one no politician wants hurled at them.  It’s one that no American, wants attached to what they believe in.  It’s one of those terms that has become ingrained in the American psych as something inherently evil and well it should be....

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Life’s most important lessons to teach children before age 18

Life’s most important lessons to teach children before age 18

Life’s most important lessons.  Please teach your children before they reach age 18.   Rich, poor, black white, red, yellow, brown, big, small, pretty, ugly, athletic, klutz, smart, dumb, gay, straight, immigrant, natural born, citizen or from another planet…     You do not Deserve respect. Don’t ask for it, don’t complain about it. Everything you have you owe to your ancestor’s efforts and those that came before you. ...

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3 things Obama’s Father never taught him

3 things Obama’s Father never taught him

  When Obama wrote his book “Dreams From My Father”  he speaks of lessons learned, dreams envisioned and a legacy passed on to him.  It’s a shame his father never passed on these three very important rules of life that any leader of a great nation must understand.     Obama had a chance to be great and he blew it because he just does not understand these three rules.  [cp_divide color=”#919191″...

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Being Inclusive should not Include being Stupid,  Why don’t Liberals get that?

Being Inclusive should not Include being Stupid, Why don’t Liberals get that?

Being Inclusive should not include being Stupid. That’s the key ingredient Liberals have missed in their quest for diversity, inclusion and fairness. You would think they would exercise their “Science” based mentality with a tad more Academic wisdom. It just doesn’t fit their political agenda so they conveniently ignore Evolutionary Science. Let me explain it clearly. First let’s replace God in this discussion with nature just so they...

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