History of KKK hanging 1,300 White Republicans for supporting Black Freedom against the Democrats!

History of KKK hanging 1,300 White Republicans for supporting Black Freedom against the Democrats!

Did you ever wonder why the Democrats and Progressives hate Republicans and Conservatives so much?  Do you wonder why the Democrats and Progressives are attempting to spread fear of Conservatives today?  Do you know what they did in the past to those who opposed their power grabs?  Did you know the Klan lynched 1,300 White Republicans along with 3,500 Blacks? Black Americans, Conservatives and Republicans were Hung...

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Will labeling the Tea Party Movement “Racist” hinder or embolden the movement?

Will labeling the Tea Party Movement “Racist” hinder or embolden the movement?

It was a predictable left wing liberal strategy and true to form, main stream media, Democratic operatives and left wing radical elements, have not let us down. The term racist is one no politician wants hurled at them.  It’s one that no American, wants attached to what they believe in.  It’s one of those terms that has become ingrained in the American psych as something inherently evil and well it should be....

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Life’s most important lessons to teach children before age 18

Life’s most important lessons to teach children before age 18

Life’s most important lessons.  Please teach your children before they reach age 18.   Rich, poor, black white, red, yellow, brown, big, small, pretty, ugly, athletic, klutz, smart, dumb, gay, straight, immigrant, natural born, citizen or from another planet…     You do not Deserve respect. Don’t ask for it, don’t complain about it. Everything you have you owe to your ancestor’s efforts and those that came before you. ...

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Young 14 Year Old Black Man wants to know why Muslim kid who built a clock gets invited to White House

Young 14 Year Old Black Man wants to know why Muslim kid who built a clock gets invited to White House

This kid is the Inconvenient Hero of the week.  He gets it.  A must see video.  Watch it and you will understand there may be hope.  Young people may avoid indoctrination of the Liberal Progressive Ruling Class....

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What Shall Be Done with the Slaves If Emancipated?  Frederick Douglass Douglass’ Monthly January 1862

What Shall Be Done with the Slaves If Emancipated? Frederick Douglass Douglass’ Monthly January 1862

Frederick Douglass posed this answer to the question of the day when both the North and the South in 1862 were concerned what would happen if the slaves were free.  What a shame the writings of this great man are not taught in school today.  There is a lesson to be learned here for every Liberal, Progressive, Democrat that is so concerned the Black man just can’t get along without them.  Fredrick Douglass had the answer....

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