History of KKK hanging 1,300 White Republicans for supporting Black Freedom against the Democrats!

History of KKK hanging 1,300 White Republicans for supporting Black Freedom against the Democrats!

Did you ever wonder why the Democrats and Progressives hate Republicans and Conservatives so much?  Do you wonder why the Democrats and Progressives are attempting to spread fear of Conservatives today?  Do you know what they did in the past to those who opposed their power grabs?  Did you know the Klan lynched 1,300 White Republicans along with 3,500 Blacks? Black Americans, Conservatives and Republicans were Hung...

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Political Correctness goes so far as to limit free speech of Liberal Protest Singers…. Beware America!

Political Correctness goes so far as to limit free speech of Liberal Protest Singers…. Beware America!

A sign of things to come, or are they here now? It happens when the Ruling Class turns on you. It will always always turn on you to stay in power or gain more power. This is what happens when the PC crowd turns on itself. This is what happens when you try to shut down opposition. It’s a protest song for God’s sake. Protest songs are a staple of our world. This is what happens when you put laws around hate speech. It...

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Just, Fair and Equal in Real Terms vs. Progressive New Think Terms

Just, Fair and Equal in Real Terms vs. Progressive New Think Terms

Our Country was founded on and our Constitution written, based on principals of Equality, Justice and Fairness for all.  Those words are important and their meanings set the foundation for the unparalleled greatness and individual human freedoms this country has achieved over a very short time in all of history. Today a new Radical Ruling Class has reset the meaning of those words in an attempt to undo the unprecedented freedom and...

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Lead with a strong moral code

Lead with a strong moral code

Always lead with a strong moral code. Things seem to end badly when good intentions lead… Do I need to explain this? It’s a good thing to rise against violence.  It’s a bad thing to ignore the most egregious violence and focus on a small fraction of a percent of all violence because it fits your political agenda. You had good intentions by supporting the cause of the death of Michael Brown.  Michael Brown was a thug,...

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Faith and Religion enable the American dream

Faith and Religion enable the American dream

[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]Religion in America helps set our moral compass toward a brighter future and the common good.[/cp_quote] By accepting personal responsibility you control the power to improve outcomes in your community, however don’t expect those outcomes to be equal for all.  Does that mean the outcomes are bad for anyone?  Sometimes they are.  Observe and you always see them turn bad as people...

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