NCAA Boycotts  North Carolina over alleged Transsexual Bathroom discrimination while they openly discriminate against Transsexuals.  Amazing just amazing.

NCAA Boycotts North Carolina over alleged Transsexual Bathroom discrimination while they openly discriminate against Transsexuals. Amazing just amazing.

I am astounded by the Liberal, Progressive logic once again… Take the time to look into this matter a bit further than the Media, Progressives, NCAA and the LGBT radicals (not the LGBT community their cool most of the time), want you to see. Seems to me “…what’s good for the Goose is good for the Tranny”  go ahead and let them play.  Any guy that feels like a girl should be allowed to play on and shower...

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Life’s most important lessons to teach children before age 18

Life’s most important lessons to teach children before age 18

Life’s most important lessons.  Please teach your children before they reach age 18.   Rich, poor, black white, red, yellow, brown, big, small, pretty, ugly, athletic, klutz, smart, dumb, gay, straight, immigrant, natural born, citizen or from another planet…     You do not Deserve respect. Don’t ask for it, don’t complain about it. Everything you have you owe to your ancestor’s efforts and those that came before you. ...

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Just, Fair and Equal in Real Terms vs. Progressive New Think Terms

Just, Fair and Equal in Real Terms vs. Progressive New Think Terms

Our Country was founded on and our Constitution written, based on principals of Equality, Justice and Fairness for all.  Those words are important and their meanings set the foundation for the unparalleled greatness and individual human freedoms this country has achieved over a very short time in all of history. Today a new Radical Ruling Class has reset the meaning of those words in an attempt to undo the unprecedented freedom and...

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A question of Fairness and Outcomes and Little People playing in the NBA…

A question of Fairness and Outcomes and Little People playing in the NBA…

[cp_quote style=”quote_normal_dark”]How many times have I heard “It’s just not fair” or “We’re just trying to be fair” and “It’s only fair” over the past decade.  It gives me a headache but it makes me think.  Could those words signal just a bit of hypocrisy to follow?[/cp_quote] These words are uttered mostly by progressives but it’s not limited to the...

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