If Black Lives Matter  why don’t Black Lives Lost in Democrat run Chicago matter…. It’s not Fake News!

If Black Lives Matter why don’t Black Lives Lost in Democrat run Chicago matter…. It’s not Fake News!

If Black Lives Matter  why don’t Black Lives Lost in Democrat run Chicago matter. So far in 2020 and Fathers day weekend is not over yet… there have been 274 shot and killed and 1537 shot. At this rate 2020 will be a banner year for Black Lives lost in Chicago but the Democrats just don’t care. In the past year and a half there have been 741 people killed and 4391 shot. Again I’m astounded by the reluctance of...

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Is a ban on Terrorists a ban on Muslims?

Is a ban on Terrorists a ban on Muslims?

I continue to be befuddled by Liberal Progressive logic. Despite the fact that since 9/11,  30,262 deadly terror attacks have been carried out by Muslims coming from or citizens of Muslim countries, they want to label caution of people coming from terrorist exporting countries as racist.   That’s not racist it’s just common sense.

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Will labeling the Tea Party Movement “Racist” hinder or embolden the movement?

Will labeling the Tea Party Movement “Racist” hinder or embolden the movement?

It was a predictable left wing liberal strategy and true to form, main stream media, Democratic operatives and left wing radical elements, have not let us down. The term racist is one no politician wants hurled at them.  It’s one that no American, wants attached to what they believe in.  It’s one of those terms that has become ingrained in the American psych as something inherently evil and well it should be....

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Life’s most important lessons to teach children before age 18

Life’s most important lessons to teach children before age 18

Life’s most important lessons.  Please teach your children before they reach age 18.   Rich, poor, black white, red, yellow, brown, big, small, pretty, ugly, athletic, klutz, smart, dumb, gay, straight, immigrant, natural born, citizen or from another planet…     You do not Deserve respect. Don’t ask for it, don’t complain about it. Everything you have you owe to your ancestor’s efforts and those that came before you. ...

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Do Police Lives Matter… Black Supremacist declares open season on police

Do Police Lives Matter… Black Supremacist declares open season on police

Take the time to listen carefully to all three of these and then take a stand that you feel comfortable with.  Please Think and Lead with Morality not Good Intentions…  The Root, a renowned Black Centered Blog seems to think the first video should not be considered as hate speech or even wrong.  The last one they must believe should be ignored as propaganda.  You make the call. The first is the revered Nation of Islam Leader...

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