Foreign Influence on 2016 Election is TRUE

To my surprise it’s a fact and Not Fake News!

With all the news and outrage lately about Putin (Russians) influencing the US election I thought it interesting to see exactly what foreigners, if any, had the greatest impact on this and other US elections.

With minimal research and all verified by public US Gov resources like the 2010 US census and a few others like the US constitution and US law I was able to unearth the truth.

Now if the Progressives can follow this please read on and make sure you check my calculations and facts with your own sources.  But make sure those sources are not opinions just US Gov published statistics the US constitution and US Federal Law.  Other wise you would just be spreading FAKE NEWS!

1) Our US Constitution calls for Presidential elections to be determined by the Electoral College.  Those numbers of electors are divided among the states based on a formula determined by the number of senators and congressional seats assigned.  There are 50 senators and 435 congressmen.

2) The number of congressional seats are apportioned using a formula that takes into account the population of the state based on the last US census.  Each state gets one congressional seat the remainder of the congressional seats are then apportioned by a population formula.  That formula though not exact (there is a bit more math to it) roughly divides those seats proportional to that state’s portion of the total US population.  Seems simple enough.  BTW it’s in the constitution so read it there if you like.  Not Fake News.

3) The US census counts “everyone” in the US and each state on a given day.  Please note “everyone” critical here.  They count all ages, citizens and non citizens and Legal as well as Illegal visitors workers etc.  That is everyone!  Now how did that influence the 2016 election.  Read on.

4) The US census attempts to accurately count illegal aliens on US soil in each state on that given day.  When they can’t get a reliable face to face count they use their own formulas to makes sure they get an accurate count of everyone.  Those formulas include Illegal Aliens.  Those are foreigners, mostly Hispanic.  Not Fake News, Verified facts.

5) The US census of 2010 counted (in round numbers) 309 million people in the US and 11.2 million of those were illegal aliens.  That is a significant number.  Those numbers are used to determine the number of congressional districts and the number of congressional districts by state.  Not Fake News, Verified Facts.

6) The population of California in 2010 Census was 37.35 million people.  The number of illegal aliens in that state (they have the largest number) was 2.6 million illegal aliens.  That is approximately 7% of the state.  California is allotted 53 congressional seats, 1 by virtue of being a state and 52 by virtue of their population including illegal aliens.  Now do the math.  California has, in round numbers, 4 congressional seats assigned to it by virtue of their disproportionate illegal alien population.  This is 4 Electoral votes that are there by virtue of illegal foreign presence on our soil.

7) This equates to a greater foreign influence in just that one state that went for Hillary than any other state in the US.

So yes my friends.  It’s not fake news.  It’s the truth.  Foreigners influenced our election in favor of Hillary.  California went for Hillary.  She picked up 4 elector college votes by virtue of Illegal foreign influence.

Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you for going through the trouble to explain that! Unfortunately, the left doesn’t care about facts, unless they fit into their pretty little delusional boxes!

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