Just, Fair and Equal in Real Terms vs. Progressive New Think Terms

Our Country was founded on and our Constitution written, based on principals of Equality, Justice and Fairness for all.  Those words are important and their meanings set the foundation for the unparalleled greatness and individual human freedoms this country has achieved over a very short time in all of history.

Today a new Radical Ruling Class has reset the meaning of those words in an attempt to undo the unprecedented freedom and greatness the citizens of our great country have achieved.

7254078312_b020465496_fairnessThis Ruling Class controls the political agenda and the overpowering media message that supports it.  It does this without regard to the intentions of the founding fathers and the wise guidance of our constitution.  It exerts this new control by redefining the meaning of those words Just, Fair, Equal… into a New Think echoing the long forgotten warnings of the great novel 1984…

Justice- in real terms …the equal application of written law to all.

Justice- in New Think  …the application of, ever changing, highly leveraged, radical political actions, by over leveraged, newly defined, minority victim classes, without consideration of the normal majority.  Justice, as defined in New Think must be carried out regardless of the written law.

Fair- in real terms  …in accordance with actual written rules, standards and laws.

Fair- in New Think  … if the outcomes of the Justice System (in real terms) do not come out Equal (in New Think terms) and do not match the political agenda keeping the Progressive Ruling Class in power, then we must lower the bar and change the interpretation of the rules and definitions “To be Fair and Just”

Equal- in real terms  …being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value|  a mathematical value of equivalence 

Equal- in New Think  …trans-gendered women may now join Navy Seal program as Equals and it is expected that 51% of the new graduates will be Trans-gendered, African American, Illegal aliens, Female, Little Persons, Felons or just plain Gay.  If that Outcome is not reached it’s obvious there is no Equality, no Fairness and Justice must be served by lowering the bar (all in New Think Terms of course)

I for one believe:

  • Any African American can reach his or her highest potential through hard work and perseverance without the Progressive “Help” that has held them back for too long.
  • Believe any immigrant who comes into this country via the legal route and assimilates and becomes an American can succeed to the highest level of their capability without jumping the line or breaking the law.
  • Believe in Science, as the Global Warming folks rely on, and Science says there are only male and females but there are a few rare abnormal genes that occur on rare occasion. Those instances of those genes are NOT NORMAL. They are ABNORMAL. They should not be discriminated against but they should not be sold to the American public as NORMAL they are not.


Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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