My Trans-Crapic Coming out. Free at Last, Free at Last…

I have been giving this great consideration and please do not take this lightly my friends.  I think there is something to this “Trans” thing the Progressives have been pushing lately.  I am coming out!

Trans-Crapic time has come.

(Trans, meaning all over the globe… Crapic, meaning Community Required Acceptance of Personal Identity Crisis).  There should be a law, and a required indoctrination of anyone who is so full of hate they just don’t get it.

Free at last, Free at last, I shout from the rooftops!  A perfect storm of acceptance is finally here.  All of you White, Male, Christian, Conservative, Republican HATERS run for your lives.  The time has come for you to face real tolerance.  Face the Trans-Crapic crowd.  Our time has come.

Trans-Crapic is all inclusive.  We are Tranny Friendly, Disabled Friendly, Muslim Friendly and even Polka Friendly.  This is proven by the recent Polka fest we attended that was attended by a Tranny, a disabled Child and of course a Polka King.  Tranny Polka groupies are even welcome. See…

My story begins…

A along long time ago (in a galaxy far far away no doubt) I began identifying strongly with a love for women.  I could not figure why, but I just loved and respected women.  It had to be in my DNA.  It wasn’t very long after that I began to strongly identify with Lesbians.  Now some may call that strange (they are haters) but it made perfect sense to me.  I loved women and I loved Lesbians, and mind you this was long before Jerry Springer and Howard Stern.  I was evolving but alas still in the closet.

As luck would have it my musical tastes were maturing at the same time.  A few trips to Memphis dirt floor bars and there I found myself confronted with the most enchanting African American (albeit rough looking and no doubt the husband of the pair) Lesbian Blues Singer.  Later I would become a very minor part of the Urban Music industry but was relegated to the shadows behind the scenes, I had not come out yet.  This was however a tipping point in my evolution, or transformation as we shall call it from now on (I demand that right to identify as I will).

I now know who I have been all my life.  A Black Lesbian Blues singer trapped in a conservative white male Polish Italian American body.  There is no getting away from it.

My friends, many of you have heard me state for many years that I was really a Black Lesbian Blues singer.  Oh the freedom I feel.  The opportunity to finally be accepted for who I am on the inside instead of what you see on the outside.  Now just hand me that “Gitar” I’ll have to learn how to play and sing of course but that does not matter.  It’s how I feel and how suppressed I’ve been by “da man.”


The trigger for all of this is the perfect storm of trans acceptance and recognition swirling around us today.  The final acceptance of over 30+ different available gender types by Facebook, the final put down of the Trans-Phobic idiots who would deny the rights of a man or woman to determine who they actually are instead of fake science, the coming out of Bruce Jenner (oh how we will celebrate the whacking off of his wiener), the final put down of those hating Christians who still accept the false God science limitation only two genders…  and now the icing on the gay wedding cake, the NAACP’s acceptance of the fraudulent white woman (claiming to be black) as a leader.  This logically follows Elizabeth Warren’s unproven claims she is a Native American (embraced and accepted by Liberals, Democrats and Progressives.  Denied by false genetic science and actual birth records though and every Native American Tribe out there).  They, the NAACP, have now embraced Trans-Racial as official and documented.  We must be accepted!

You see my friends you may now, based on solely your FEELINGS not false science, determine what gender you are as well as what race you prefer to be.  All you need is to FEEL.  Along with all of that, you may be awarded any rights privileges and honors by law or feelings assigned to these sub groups of oppressed peoples.

I hereby openly declare I am Lesbian and African American with a preference for Blues.  I have been living openly as a nerdy (Trans-Sheldonian) African American for some time, you can ask my wife, since she is African American she is an expert on these matters.  She can attest that I speak loud in movies as the action progresses always whispering to me “quit acting like an old black woman in the movies and keep quiet.”  She can attest to my love of women as well as my flair for design and our mutual love of Blues and American Gospel music, Jerry Springer and the Maury show.  I have for some time insisted on being called by my stage name FrankieGZ (I think Frankie is one of those names that can be at least two of the 30+ major gender types) now add GZ (If JZ can do it so can I).  There you have it.

There can be no doubt I am Lesbian (I love women) Transgendered.  There can be no doubt I’m Trans-Racial (ask my wife).  There can be no doubt I am Trans-Sheldonian (ask my brother, children and friends) Now since I feel like a Top Lesbian ( I think that’s the male part), I won’t have to get my wiener whacked off and turned inside out and then another wiener transplanted to reverse the whole thing.  You see how simple this is.  I’m the perfect Lesbian.  I’ll have to work on that singing and instrument playing thing though, but who cares.  I’m going for the crowd funding and reality show with this.

The only down side I can think of is I have become the perfect target for Muslim Terrorists… Female, Lesbian, Christian, Western, Old person.

Coming soon follow up articles and coming outs:

Follow my adventures as I try to Join NOW as a Lesbian.

Trasn-Jew (all Christians are later day Jews)

Trans-Du  (Hindu)

Trans-Sheldonian (nerd)

Trans-Species (furies)

Trans-National (If I’m Trans Jewish I must be awarded dual citizenship)

Free at last, free at last, the perfect storm of acceptance….

Trans-Crapic (Community Required Acceptance of Personal Identity Crisis) any similarity to the slang “crap” or “crapper” is incidental and should be ignored.


Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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