What could possibly go wrong as San Francisco Democrats move to buy killer robots for their police?

This is the Dumb Ass Move of the Week! Now what could possibly go wrong with this in the hands of the Democrats that allow people to shit in the streets, shoplift at will, let anyone free without bail, want illegal aliens to vote, set up “arrest free” drug shooting safe centers where they give them access to needles and entertainment and a few more brilliant ideas like setting up guaranteed income for transexuals.

Nope nothing could ever go wrong with a robot that is trained to fucking kill people!

Have these people seen Terminator! A better use would be to train the robot to pick up the shit on their sidewalks!

Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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