Katie Couric thinks we need a Muslim Comedy Show. I agree!

Katie recently stated that she thought the “anti Muslim” feelings in this country were there because we did not really understand them and a comedy show would bring the life of Muslims to the country in a comedic light.  Wow what a great idea Katie.  Brilliant!  Now let’s see how we can bring this to a good light.  Let’s make it child centric, kind of cartoon like the Islamic shows for children in the Gaza strip.

After all why spend production dollars when these shows already exist!

What the hell are you thinking Katie!  How do you put the killing of Christians by Muslims in a comedic light?

Have you seen this Katie…

Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11

Now tell me how you put this in a comedic light. Tell me the number of Deadly attacks in the US by Christians on Muslims since the 9-11 attacks. Wait let me help you IT’S ZERO Katie. Hey that is kind of funny. The show should be “The Religion of Peace family hour” It would feature the family laughing at the attacks on Christians as they are reported in the news. No wait you never report that Katie so… they would be laughing at Uncle Louie the bomb maker and how he put stink bombs in the suicide vest he makes for children. Or it could be a comedic show titled “Guess what woman’s getting stoned to death for touching a man she’s not married to” it would feature the Taliban first tickling the woman and making her laugh before they bury her to her neck and stone her to death.

Katie how do you put the severing of a teenage girls clitoris in a funny light? That would be such a great show. Maybe the cartoon character they feature trying to assassinate President Bush could be featured as a guest clit wacker. The little girl would be put at ease and then Mickey would pull out is rusty razor blade and “WACK” They would all then laugh at how funny that was.

Wake up Katie. Americans are not anti Muslim they are for real peace, they are against killing innocents, they are against mutilation, they are against killing Christians, they are for free speach, they are against killing somone that drew a picture of the Prophet Mohammed, they are against killing a woman for being with a man that is not a member of her family.

Need I go on Katie? We are not against the many peace loving US citizens who just happen to be Muslim unless they condone this type of action that goes on all around the world and in the US where Muslims do kill Christians, do recruit children as suicide bombers, do kill other Muslims if they in a different Muslim sect and more attrocities. We condem the people that carry out these atrocities and they must be eliminated. They will not have their minds changed. They are using you as a tool and have no respect for you what so ever.

Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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