Please read the constitution, do not quote it without really understanding it…

[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]After spending the evening actually reading the whole constitution I have come to the conclusion that the entire Left and most of the Democratic party and all of the Progressives chose to ignore it.  But wait there’s more. [/cp_quote]

I have also come to the conclusion that most of those on the right don’t ignore it but don’t take the time to understand it.  They are quick to blog about their constitutional rights but haven’t actually pondered the words in the document.

Now what set me off?  It was the census.  I now understand why the census is and will answer it in a limited fashion.  I will provide my age, sex and name.  There is even a constitutional basis for determining race.   That is not to say the government doesn’t have the right to make laws to gather other data and ask me other questions.  They should make laws and be able to gather data to enforce those laws.  For example if they did not have the right to know where I lived, how old I was and if I were a citizen then they could not conduct a vote.  If they did not have the right to determine if I were able to perform some cognitive functions then they could not determine if I were able to drive a car safely.

The real question goes to what the federal government can and can’t do vs. the states, and of course what they will use the information for.  [cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]By the way we are a republic not a democracy.[/cp_quote]

Here’s my take on it.  I’ll answer the short form to the best of my ability but for the matter of race I’m not sure I can accurately answer that question without a clear definition of what percentage it takes to make a person one race or another.   There was a time in our history where you were considered a member of the negro race if it was suspected that you had any percentage of the negro race in your lineage.   That was of course to maintain the purity of the races, well actually the Caucasian race.  Then of course there is the case of the native American.  If you have one drop of native American blood you can become a member of a tribe, that is if that tribe is willing to accept you.  You see there are many and unequal rules around when you try to define member of a race.

Truth be told I know I have Italian heritage but I also know the Hannibal invaded Rome and sacked and pillaged and raped the population.  He did not stay on his elephant to whole time.  I also know that Roman women freely consorted with their slaves.  Then there is the side of me that originated somewhere around Poland.  Now we have the problem of that nasty Genghis Khan.  That Mongol horde that raped and pillaged throughout Europe.

I’m giving up on making a big deal about it knowing they won’t chase me down to determine if I am renting or I own my home.  I’m marking other on the race thing as I really don’t know my race.

Once again read the constitution don’t ignore it and don’t quote it unless you have read it recently.  It really does make for good reading.  So this week I nominate me as a heroe for taking the time to read the Constitution of the United States with and open mind.

Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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